Problems and suggestions on the application of enhanced shot peening in automobile parts

‌The main problem in the application of shot peening technology in automotive parts is how to effectively control the degree of shot peening to avoid excessive processing that leads to a decrease in part performance. ‌

Shot peening is a surface treatment technology that sprays high-speed metal shots onto the surface of a part to cause plastic deformation on the surface of the workpiece to form a work-hardened layer, thereby improving the strength and hardness of the part. This technology is widely used in the automotive manufacturing industry, including the strengthening of parts subjected to alternating loads such as coil springs, leaf springs, gears, rocker arms, torsion bars, transmission elements, bearings, camshafts, crankshafts and connecting rods. Shot peening can significantly improve the fatigue strength and service life of these parts while reducing production costs and energy consumption‌.

However, the extent of shot peening needs to be strictly controlled to avoid over-treatment. Excessive shot peening may cause the surface of the part to be too rough, affecting the accuracy and fitting performance of the part, and may even damage the surface of the part and reduce its overall performance. In addition, the depth and strength of the shot peening layer also need to be precisely controlled according to the specific use conditions and requirements of the part to ensure that the part can maintain sufficient strength and durability during use and avoid unnecessary cost increases‌ .

To resolve these issues, the following measures are recommended:

‌Precisely control the degree of shot peening‌ to ensure that the surface of the part is effectively strengthened without being over-processed, maintaining the necessary accuracy and matching performance.

‌Optimize shot peening process parameters‌, including projectile size, projectile speed and shot peening time, to obtain the best strengthening effect.

‌Regularly check and calibrate shot peening equipment‌ to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the equipment and reduce human errors.

‌Provide professional training to operators‌ to improve their understanding and operating skills of shot peening technology and ensure the standardization and normalization of shot peening treatment.

Through these measures, we can effectively solve the problems existing in the application of shot peening in automobile parts and further improve the performance and reliability of automobile parts‌.


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